A relationship is an ongoing connection between two people based on mutual trust and respect. A relationship can include a romantic partner, friends or family members. A healthy relationship can bring a great deal of joy to your life, but it takes work from both people. It’s important to be open and honest about your feelings. You should also communicate well and make time to spend together. This can include sex and physical intimacy, but it can also be talking, playing, cuddling or simply having an enjoyable day out.
Having a close friend or partner can help you to feel less alone, and it can boost your self-esteem. A good relationship can also give you the courage to take risks and chase after your dreams, because it will provide you with support if things don’t go exactly as you planned. But be careful not to get too close, because it’s easy to lose your independence when you have someone who depends on you.
Often, when we think of Relationships, we think of romantic relationships between two people. But a relationship can be a friendship, business partnership or even an association with a group or country. It may be a dyad (two people) or a triad, and it can be formal or informal. Some examples of a formal relationship are cohabitation, marriage or an official dating agreement. A more informal relationship would be a hookup or casual date. When we talk about “being in a relationship,” it generally means being committed to the person you’re with, and that could involve moving in, getting married or having children.