What Is Law?


Law is a system of rules developed by society or government in order to deal with crime, business agreements, social relationships and property. It is also used to refer to the people who work within this system.

Law definitions include the terms law, rule, regulation, precept, statute and ordinance. The words law, rule and regulation are often used interchangeably.

Legal power means the ability to create or alter legal positions, relations and norms through volitional action (Fitzgerald [Salmond] 1966: 333-341; Paton 1972: 319-320 & 433-485). It can be either “public” or “private”. Public powers are held by governments.

Private or civil rights are those that individuals possess as a result of their status as citizens, members of a family, or participants in a legal transaction. They can be derived from natural rights or are conferred by legal acts, such as court rulings, contracts or the adoption of legally binding arbitration agreements.

Several countries have a civil law tradition, influenced by the Roman and Byzantine legal systems of Europe. It is a codified system of law that favors cooperation and order, usually arranged in civil codes.

Law is a complex field of study that requires extensive research and analysis. A well-written and argued article can be a useful tool in helping others understand the field, but it should not be taken as the only means of learning. The articles must have purpose and direction, a target audience and be grounded in the subject area of the writer’s expertise.