What Is Law?


Law is a term used to refer to a system of rules that a society or government develops in order to deal with things such as crime, business agreements and social relationships. It can also refer to the people who work within this legal system.

The law of nature includes laws that are invariant as to time, uniform as to all persons, and universally applicable. It is the basis for all positive law and is deduced from right reason, the same views of human nature and constitution as those from which the science of morality is derived, and the sanction of divine revelation.

Scientific laws are invariant as to time, consistent with other scientific observations (e.g., Fg is the force of gravity between two objects, and d is the distance between them), and can be confirmed by experiment. On the other hand, a scientific theory is not a law because it may not be proven by experiment and could change in the future as new scientific research emerges.

The branch of law most hospitable to the Will Theory is private law–the law of property, torts, and contracts. Within limits and subject to various exceptions, holders of private law rights are empowered to waive compliance with certain obligations owed to them, forgo remedial rights, or transfer such claims, powers, liberties, and immunities. This explains why, for example, owners of property have the legal power to gift or bequeath their property to others.