Religion is the cultural system of values and practices that people use to give meaning, direction and purpose to their lives. It is also the social structure that binds individuals together into communities that can share and support one another’s spiritual beliefs. Belief in a higher power helps to reduce stress, decrease anxiety and stabilize emotional variability, making it easier to cope with life’s challenges.
The term “religion” is derived from the Latin word religio, which means scrupulous devotion. In ancient times it was probably used as a synonym for polytheism, but over time it has been retooled to refer to a type of social practice or social genus. It is now so broad that stipulative definitions of it shift from a belief in many different gods to the idea that anything that brings people together into a moral community is a religion.
Most religions teach that a person’s spirit (or soul) continues after death, and that a good spirit can reach a special place of peace and happiness such as Heaven or Nirvana, while a bad spirit can go to a place of pain and suffering called Hell. In addition, most religions encourage people to live in a way that will bring them close to God or their higher power.
Many religious practices are accompanied by sacred histories and narratives, written or oral, and by symbols, texts, artworks and buildings that help to explain the universe and the origin of life. They often also include a set of rules that are to be followed, such as right conduct, worship and participation in religious institutions.